Our Drummers Out Cold

Label / Index # Wholiday Music WH 008/9
Compare with; Can Anybody Out There Play The Drums? (CD) (Mainstream MAST 94/95)
Venue: The Cow Palace, San Francisco, California, USA, Tuesday, November 20, 1973 Recording: Audience Comments: This is from the opening night of the 1973 U.S. Quadrophenia Tour where Keith Moon supposedly washed down an animal tranquilizer with some brandy and could not make it through the entire show. The band plays drum-less and then recruits Scott Halpin from the audience to sit in for a few songs! The sound quality of this recording is pretty rough, actually, this (along with the CD-R From Skaiting Rinks to Opera Houses) must be one of the worst sounding Who boots ever to hit the market. Some would still consider this a must. Compare with the CD listed above. Side-note: there is also a bootleg B&W video of a fair portion of this show, though of poor quality.
CD 1
1. I Can't Explain 2. Summertime Blues 3. My Generation 4. I Am the Sea 5. The Real Me 6. The Punk Meets the Godfather 7. I'm One 8. Helpless Dancer 9. 5:15 10. Sea and Sand 11. Drowned 12. Bell Boy 13. Dr. Jimmy (listed as last track on CD 1 but really 1st track on CD 2)
CD 2
1. Love Reign O'er Me 2. Won't Get Fooled Again (K.Moon passes out during song) 3. P.Townshend Tells Audience "Our Drummers out cold, You'll have to fucking wait" 4. Magic Bus (K.Moon passes out for final time) 5. See Me Feel Me (without Drummer) 6. P.Townshend Tells Audience "Can anybody play the drums? I mean somebody good!" 7. Smokestack Lightning / Spoonful (w / Scott Halpin - Drummer from Audience) 8. Naked Eye (w / Scott Halpin - Drummer from Audience)