The Bush Roger arrived by helicopter at the pad near Hammersmith. He then rendezvoused with me at 12 noon, outside the old Goldhawk Club. After a few minutes the others turned up and we were admitted by the Club stewards. All that was there was Ray Shelley, one of the original stewards, a barmaid to keep us happy and dear old Wyn Sleeman (RIP) who was once one of the original barmaids (She said she remembered Adam Faith writing his name in chalk along the end wall!). Roger took £25 (a fortune back in '78) from his pocket and told the barmaid to get back to him when that ran out! Everyone started to get pissed straight away. I took Roger down to the old dance floor area and there was a little podium where once there was a stage. I'd never seen Roger so emotional before...

Capturado por MemoWeb a partir de  el 16/08/2001