Billboard magazine carries a review of “Tommy – Original Soundtrack”
Billboard magazine carries a review of “Tommy – Original Soundtrack”
On this date in 1975 Radio & Record magazine features Keith Moon on the cover with the headline “Keith Moon Moons R&R Office”. Keith is also featured in the “Record Industry Notes”
The Acton Gazette carries an article titled “Pete’s Kid Brother — But Simon’s Destined For Stardom In His Own Right”
Melody Maker reports on Simon Townshend ‘s recently recorded first album and Pete’ s production of a record for singer John Otway
Variety reports on a marketing test run to find ways to promote the movie of Tommy to non-rock audiences.
Tony Palmer in Melody Maker writes an early review of Tommy: The Movie
Billboard magazine carries a brief article titled “‘Tommy’ Rates 2 Consultants”
Rolling Stone magazine carries a short interview with John titled “Entwistle: Not So Quiet After All” by Chet Flippo. “Odds & Sods” is featured in the reviews section
The Liverpool Echo carries an interview with Pete titled “Still Hot: The Blaze of Fire”
Odds and Sods is released in the U.S.