The Buffalo New Times carries a long review of Quadrophenia titled “This Who Concept Album Is a World Away from ‘Tommy'” by Kim Winship
The Buffalo New Times carries a long review of Quadrophenia titled “This Who Concept Album Is a World Away from ‘Tommy'” by Kim Winship
A short letter from Pete appears in Melody Maker.
Melody Maker carries an interview with John, a review of the Nov. 13th show, and news about the upcoming Tommy film
John Rowntree in Records and Recording calls Quadrophenia The Who’s greatest lyrical achievement.
In Newsweek, Hubert Saal declares Quadrophenia to be one of rock’s four great milestones.
In Listener magazine, John Peel declares that Quadrophenia is as much an advance over Tommy as Tommy was of “A Quick One.”
The Chronicle runs an interview with four girls who felt insulted by Pete’s behavior at the 11/5 show.
The British press report that Keith and The Who have been “banned from the B.B.C. staff clubs throughout the country”
Record & Radio Mirror carries John Beattie’s review of The Who’s recent Wolverhampton show and his review of Quadrophenia
Billboard magazine carries a full page ad for Quadrophenia