Chris Charlesworth interviews with Nicky Hopkins in Melody Maker. The great British keyboard session man says that Pete had recently offered him a permanent place in The Who’s lineup.
Chris Charlesworth interviews with Nicky Hopkins in Melody Maker. The great British keyboard session man says that Pete had recently offered him a permanent place in The Who’s lineup.
Rolling Stone magazine features Pete on the cover with an article titled “Meaty, Beaty, Big and Bouncy”
The Who appear on the cover of Crawdaddy magazine
Record Mirror features an interview with Pete titled “if pop music is pop art – PROVE IT!” by Keith Altham
Pete writes another defense of The Who’s higher ticket prices in Melody Maker
Disc and Music Echo feature a photo of Pete on the cover and an article titled “Loons of Moon”
Melody Maker carries a letter in response to Pete’s October 16th response.
Melody Maker prints an interview of Roger by Chris Welch called “Squire Daltrey.”
Record Mirror reports that The Who will be the opening act at the Rainbow Theatre
Melody Maker has two Who related articles: “The Raver: by the light of the looning Moon” and ““Creators or capitalists?”