Saturday, January 1st, 1966

Record Mirror contains a letter calling a recent Who performance "the most appalling, sound-soaked, electronic drivel we have ever heard."
We went to a local dance to see the Who, in view of the widespread publicity and popularity of the group, we expected an excellent performance. But after an irritating 20 minute wait while vast and totally unnecessary speakers were staggered into place, obscuring the whole stage, the group made their appearance. After some token hysterics by half-wits in the front, we were treated to some of the most appalling, sound-soaked, electronic drivel we have ever heard. Musical sense, professionalism, sound balance, entertainment value were nil. The whole object seems to be to make as much painful sound in a small place as was physically possible. If this truly laughable performance is the ultimate to be achieved from Marshall amps, Rickenbacker guitars and Fender basses, we'll have much pleasure in selling ours to the first person to send us a five-shilling postal order. --
N.P. Moor, B. Russell, A. Holmes, D. Lawson, T. Moore and others. Church View, 45 City Road, Norwich
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