Saturday, November 26th, 1966
The Who go into IBC Studios to work on the space filler number Pete has written for the new album. A collection of song snippets pushed together to tell a story of a husband returning home to confront and forgive his cheating wife, “A Quick One While He's Away “ will become known as the “mini-opera, “ will provide a new title for the album and may have inspired The Beatles' “A Day In The Life. “ While they are working that afternoon a visitor drops by. Jimi Hendrix and his manager Chas Chandler come in to ask for some equipment advice for the band they are putting together. Keith immediately greets Jimi's arrival with the cry of “who let that savage in here? “ Pete remembers Jimi as being strangely dressed with wild hair. Nevertheless, Pete shows Jimi The Who's equipment and Jimi tells Chandler to get him at least one of each.
« 1966-11-22 1966-11-26 »