Wednesday, December 2nd, 2020

The Guardian includes Roger Daltrey’s Thanks a Lot Mr Kibblewhite in their list of best books of 2018.
"The title of Roger Daltrey’s Thanks a Lot Mr Kibblewhite (Blink) refers to his school headteacher who, after an incident with an air gun, expelled him with the words “You’ll never make anything of your life, Daltrey”. His parents were devastated but he was unfazed, having long given up on academic life. A more responsible Daltrey emerges during his musical career, forever playing the straight man to his more rambunctious bandmates, and the overwhelming sense is of a man on the outside looking in. His autobiography is vivid, atmospheric and funny, and, because of his aversion to mind-altering substances, it’s probably one of the more reliable accounts of life in one of the world’s biggest rock bands."
Read the whole article here: (It is listed in the "Showbusiness" section)
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